SACRAMENTS: We at St. Katharine Drexel believe that the Sacraments of the Church belong to the people of God to aid them with grace of the way of salvation. more… |
OUTREACH MINISTRY: God’s word should spring us into action. We are called by God to wash each other’s feet. Our outreach ministry is an expression of the transforming message of God. |
WEDDINGS: We celebrate the union of two people in love who would like to express their commitment in this holy sacrament. Contact our pastor to make appointments |
NEWCOMERS: It is a blessing for us to have you as a part of the St. Katharine Drexel family. I hope the warmth and welcome you received will help that “newcomer” feeling fade rapidly. |
FUNERALS: When families are struggling with the loss of a loved one, they are looking for the loving, caring presence of God as evidenced by the church. We are dedicated to providing to all an experience of the extravagant love of God made manifest in Jesus Christ and the Traditions of the Catholic Church. |